We don't usually think to clean our handbags but think about it, your lunch bag holds your food. Even though the food you plan to eat may be protected inside closed containers or reusable snack bags, you'll have peace of mind knowing your food is in a clean lunch box. Picture this: just as we wouldn't want to put our food packages inside a dirty refrigerator, we surely wouldn't want to put our food in a dirty lunch box.
Here are 3 easy steps to keeping your lunch bag fresh and clean every day:
1: Start by removing everything from your lunch bag as soon as you get home from school or work. It's really important that you make this first step a habit to prevent mold and bacteria from growing in dirty containers which can leech into your lunch bag.
2: Take a slightly damp, clean towel with a little bit of dishwashing detergent and gently wipe the inside and outside of the lunch bag. Be sure to wipe the handles since that's the part of the bag we touch the most. Rinse the towel until slightly damp and then, wipe and remove any excess soap that may still be on the inside or outside of the lunch bag. If you're short on time, we suggest using an antibacterial wipe to wipe down the inside and outside of the bag.
3: Allow to air dry and keep the lunch bag open since bacteria and mildew likes to grow in moist, damp areas. We've designed our Stöh Lunch Tote to open fully so you can easily hang it to dry from one handle.
Remember to do these 3 easy steps after every lunch bag use, and you'll have a clean lunch bag every time!